We both work hard in the garden but we do so for different reasons. I do it because gardening is what my father's family does, because it's been with me since childhood, and because I love it. Mostly, Al digs, chops, hauls, rips and follows orders because he's a great guy who tries to make my life easier. He likes the idea of our own organic veggies and a peaceful place for the girls to play but gardening is not something that drives his day. So I'm always thankful that Al's the guy I merged my assets with. Hell, let's be honest, I fell in love with him; who has assets when they're studying Arts at twenty?
Lately, I'm more thankful than ever. We're building a new garden out the front, to replace the sad "lawn" that surely depressed house prices in the street. Preparing the soil has taken a big effort. Until two days ago there was 1.5 cubic metres of horse manure sitting in a compost bay in the back corner of the yard. Now, it's dug in at the front. Each time I look at that space I'm reminded that I live with a man who will barrow shit for hours, and that this shit is shit he shovelled from stables on a hot, hot day because it was free and I'm not one to pass up something free, even though I can't drive and at four days post-partum, couldn't shovel. And now that stores are depleted, he's going back to those stables for more. Now that's what I call romance.
Thanks, Al. You are, truly, da shit.

Eating from the garden: yet more eggs and chives, scrambled, for breakfast; basil in the pesto and oven roasted tomatoes for dinner; raspberries, strawberries, corn and soft and lovely pomme de nuit apples for snacks.