Thursday, February 15, 2007


Is it just me, or are climbing beans truly sexy? Long and lean, elegant, casually hanging about the place. They put me in mind of a snake-hipped, Edwardian man about town from the upper classes, smoking a cigarillo and watching the debutantes with a knowing smile on his face. Well, that's sexy for me. All this titillation from the prosaically named "lazy housewife".

Eating from the garden: sweet corn for lunch; pesto and pasta salad with my basil, beans and tomatoes mixed with goat's cheese, eggplant and roasted capsicums.


Em said...

Wow! You have a delicious garden (and obviously the cooking skills to go with it).

Kris said...

Thanks Em. At the moment delicious is just the right word - we're very, very lucky.