Monday, July 30, 2007

A good day redux

I got a bit side tracked on my last post, talking bout feelings instead of practical plans so here's the new edition:






I'm also increasingly aware of the liberation offered by permaculture principles. I'm not going down the full path: the zoning of the yard should really be changed, some serious landscaping undertaken, and we'll not be self-sufficient in terms of produce, but the idea of minimising energy expenditure is very appealing. In my understanding this refers to material and physical components of energy (I'm not sure of the right measures; who would guess I did chem. and bio. at school?) but it strikes me these lead directly to emotional energy. Less running around to buy seeds, compost, chemicals, less time tweaking and weeding and preening, less time writing things in calendar squares, can mean less time worrying and stewing about All The Many Things That Need Doing. Perhaps if there's a place for everything - every plant, every bug (though I'm unconvinced about this), every experience - then there's not so much of a need to have everything in its place. I'm making small changes with the medium term aim of permacultural practices and am hopeful that my garden this summer will be a place of bounty and beauty and calm. And lots of fun.

Hmm, still an awful lot about feelings ...

1 comment:

Victoria said...

I was trying to comment to you the other night about a book I think you'd like, but the comments wern't working. It's called "The Waterliliy" by Kate Llewellyn. Well you've probably read it, I'm always recommending books to people who have already read them! But if not, I recommend it.
Also - that post from yesterday about girls/boys etc - VERY GOOD.